Monday, February 4, 2008

Stop Guyana from bleeding.

The pain and anguish still reek havoc within my heart and the heart of every sane human being who has seen the pornography of violence splashed across the land, of the gruesome murder of these innocent families, fast asleep in their secure wicker homes, in the backlands of Lusignan just a week ago.

The cost of life is priceless. Yet people who want their agenda at the expense of others often seek to pay with lives of those who have nothing to do with the deal and least of the crime. This habit has to stop. Men and women of today are asking for change everywhere.

The poor want change: away from being the pawn in every gambling criminal’s eyes. The unprotected are demanding, as in the case of the knee jerk protests that they will no longer sit and remain complacent in the game of votes. The religious are shouting that they will no longer be the silent leader of an oppressed flock. Even those with criminal and inhumane records are hinting signs they want change- they too want to throw in their towel and make it even. But with years and many players at this roulette of life it’s more complicated than any “street justice” movie.

But nothing is easy no matter how much we would like it to be. It takes hard work and lots of tears to construct nations. It takes even more pain and blood to bring forth babies. The ambition that these tiny bundles of joy will grow into tall men and women of success recompenses for every labor pain. When the life of these sweet angels is snuffed, when the golden horizons of unfinished men and women are painted with blood, instead of flowers, we know that it has to take greater mettle of faith and stronger sense of bravery to stem the tides of evil. Healing and protection demand a nation on their knees, with fasting stomachs and prayerful hearts.
Prayers are powerful. We believe they are the key to change. Yet here we have to have the working plan of Moses; we will march to the Red Sea. We will do as we did before a few years ago where all the religious people joined with the people fighting racism and together campaigned in every village and many gathering the lofty principles of unity and respect. Again my Brethren at the IRO and ERC!

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools”, says Martin Luther King Jr. This is the time of crisis and again concerned members should have a chance to say their two cents as much as every possible solution must not be ruled out.

This is a God given land for every Guyanese. It must not be taken away by any. Those who are safe faraway have chosen their safety at a price. Those who remain are the true patriots of self-esteem. While we pray for the safety of every man and woman in uniform, while we close every door and window with stronger iron bars and more equipped vigilantes and while we beg every citizen to respect their leader, one thing we have to never forget- let not the prayers of the weak become the unfortunate lot of the wrongdoers.

Too late then shall be the cry!
Yours truly,

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