Thursday, March 20, 2008

Love for Rasollulah

How sweet!
The Arabian breeze
Making fragrant my Maple Spring
With lovely salutations, He warms a cold heart

Longing for Him
A place in Medina's dusty streets
Where bedoins and kings
Fed from his palm of Divine recipes

Oh Full moon on a dark continent
Oh Garden of wisdom in a crazy world
Whence do you return us your embrace of peace
in this abyss of hate
Kiss our souls again pleasantly with your fatherly Prophetood!

Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam

Three religions celebrating, One weekend- what a lesson!

The divine convergence of Guyana's three major religions over a long weekend, among other things, reminds us that the consonance of the moon echoes a Divine call to the people of Guyana to be truly that one-nation-one-destiny child.

With this Good Friday being Jumauh, it's always Good for Muslims, and as a matter of a fact every Friday. But with the historic Youman Nabi falling on Good Friday, this year, adds another element of hope, as the advent of Muhammad did some fourteen centuries ago. With Phagwah being celebrated on Monday, the very day of Easter, an event that is associated deeply to our Beloved Prophet Esa, there holds the possibility that while religions are meant to be paths not necessarily parallel and neither crossroads, in this momentary convergence, even for once, while our Nation of One People is still bleeding from the racio-political inhumanity of many massacres, this long holiday offers the balm of healing. In unity, as in marriage; in harmony, as in intimacy, souls get a chance to transcend all chaos of daily squabbles and see themselves as the atma of forgiveness, the logos of mercy and the ruh of brotherhood.

Given our almost unexceptional mixture of race, religion and class in every Guyanese household, we are by duty bound, as sons and daughters of a single Abrahamic and Adamic family. Where by virtue of an ancestral passion, that goes beyond Timbuktu and Calcutta, We are to be the ambassadors of love and peace, in every global boardroom, in every virtual chatroom, and of course in every classroom of human living.

While, as customary as it is, as far as memory allows, neighbours share sweets during these closely held celebrations, and now over one weekend, let's cook those sweets with the tears of thankfulness and the prayers of healing. That when given, it's the gift of magnamity and justice that are really shared and when consumed it's again the food of affection and the meal of non discrimination that is partaken.

As Muhammad is remembered, let his legacy of humility, as Gandhi admitted, behold our hearts; as Jesus is reminisced let the character of forgiveness surmount as the Rumi ushered him. As Holi is celebrated let the lesson of courage be heaped as Mother Theresa reminded us years ago in impoverished Calcutta.

The Quran 33:21 encompassingly states: You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.

Happy Easter, Phagwah and Youman Nabi!