Sunday, January 6, 2008

CN Tower and Dinner with Imams

What is common between CN Tower and Imams? You may say good food and record breaking achievements. But last night, having some distinguished guests at its revolving restaurant, it became clear that this icon of Canadian landscape and the Canadian Council of Imams share a sound foundation of making Canada truly a haven of peace, beauty and charity. Repeatedly the leaders, sponsors and guests reminded us over cornish chicken and sumptuous desert that as Canadians we're really blessed and as Muslims we have a duty to preserve that.

A dinner jointly held by the Canadian Council of Imams and the RIS conference organisers, along with IMO, was long overdue according to some. A place where leaders and visiting scholars may interact, knowing how difficult access may be at times to world leaders. An excuse for local leaders to now what's happening in their city when thousands of youths converge to the Convention centre to listen to foreign scholars.

Most importantly, the camaraderie provided by the city lights as dinner guests somberly revolved, ensured the claim that Canadian Muslims have taste and are complete lovers- both of the spirit and form- at least for Faith To think of it as the CN tower plumetted guests into sky-heights and revolved them around the city among cavalcades of light, one thing remained common- we are on strong grounds and to that we have to return, regardless.

Got that Kutba to deal with, you see there you go!

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