Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Making waves with small pebbles is NAMF’s way of giving back.

Making waves with small pebbles is NAMF’s way of giving back.

North American Muslim Foundation is a non-profitable charitable Canadian organization dedicated to assisting the victims of disasters for the last 31 years. The founder is Mr. Kabir Farouqui.


We have continued to support victims of the unforgettable tragedy in Indonesia with our Orphan Sponsorship program- which has climbed to 350 children internationally and this year’s effort is dedicated to the Orphans of the World – leave no orphan unhappy. With one-dollar-a-day, OSP is determined to “make-poverty-history” affordable!


A year later, still traumatized by the calamitous Tsunami, survivors walk the deserted roads of Sri Lanka hoping to rebuild. NAMF is providing monetary assistance of up to $30,000 CAN dollars to start businesses such as carpentry, fishing, etc and as already provided jobs for 150 Sri Lankans through this integrated program. Also $7000.00 was contributed to provide educational supplies for the emergency school establishments in areas ravaged by the earthquake in Indonesia on May, 2006

The foundation is committed to help all humanity, regardless of religion or color and has recently donated $40,000.00 worth of medical aid to Guyana Public Hospital, apart from sponsoring orphans there. SadaqatulFitr was distributed among the poor and many orphans are being sponsored, the CIOG being the agency there. In addition, NAMF has shipped $20,000.00 worth of medical supplies and relief items to aid the sufferers during the Lebanon crisis. Presently NAMF Relief is financing Somalian refugees in Kenya. One cow is purchased by a Canadian donor and provided to a family so they may start a livelihood. Mr. Farouk Khan, the Executive Director, has personally visited these places mentioned above for due diligence.


Added to the relief efforts of NAMF is the educational aspect, with a daytime Junior Islamic Academy from Pre K all the way to Grade 7, which caters to the needs of the moral and academic excellence of the Muslim community. Youths are a major concern for leaders and with a Youth Development Program on the way we hope to provide essential skills to the youths lest they complain of not finding jobs. In the 2006 summer, members of Shabab held a seminar on Dawah at the NAMF headquarters (Finch and Midland main intersection), as well as a regular monthly movie night has been initiated to educate and entertain the youths. The first prog looked at the life of Malcolm X and the next is looking at the Signs of the Day of Judgment.

Finding compatible matrimonial matches is indeed a challenge for parents as well as unmarried religious grown ups. Sister Ayesha Alam runs the popular Marry Go Around matrimonial introduction service and has hundreds of potential partners in her database. For the poorer sections of the community there is a food bank operating for all Canadians. “Whoever doesn’t show mercy then mercy will not be shown to him/her.” Hadith


Another event that has occurred every year for the last five years is the NAMF Speech Competition. This year Interfaith has been added, as more schools in the public domain are showing interest in this unique venture. Students from all faiths and schools in the GTA compete for the first, second and third prizes, utilizing their best oral communicative skills. This year’s event is happening at the IMO on March the 31st.


Last December was NAMF‘s annual fundraising dinner held at the prestigious Grand Bacchus Banquet Hall with almost three hundred attendees. Long standing volunteers in the community, Imam Abdul Hai Patel and Mr. Khalid Usman were honored at the hands of Mr. Farid Amin, Dep. Min. of Development. Soon will be NAMF Annual summer picnic but before that look out for the big ticket announcement- a celebrity from Pakistan is coming to town!

All we are requesting you and your masjid is to continue supporting us morally and financially and in so doing you become a partner in the project and of course the blessings. And surely Alhamdulliah for this.

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