Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ontario Sufis organized retreat and Shaikh Kabir Helminski guides the spiritual enthusiasts.

Ontario Sufis organized retreat and Shaikh Kabir Helminski guides the spiritual enthusiasts.
The sounds of running brook and chirping birds greet the heart of the seeker in this lovely Stoufville retreat. What added beauty to this weekend spiritual getaway was not only dervishes of all faiths gathered around a Victorian fireplace but the elixir presence of Shaikh Kabir Helminski, the American itinerant Sufi and his disciple and wife Camille, author of Book of Character.

I first met the deeply erudite revert of Islam during the preview of by Tina Petrova, two years ago and the passion for inner presence coupled with intellectual capacity to match philosophical variables in the West, kept my interest in this religious votary burning. Through correspondence we have kept that link, ruminating many thoughts, especially in the growing culture of interfaith Spirituality and joint social projects.

The thirty odd students that weekend were both seasoned leaders and novices- all hoping to spend time with Shaikh, both a knowledgeable and approachable in the order of Mevlana Order.
During the course practices of Salat as well as Zikr are done frequently; students learn about the various terms and actions of the Path- both from each other as well at the workshops conducted by the visiting teacher from America and his wife. Rumi runs in their veins like the still but deep brooks of Mysthaven. Its water is the impassable love flowing from the Poet’s fountain, even after eight centuries- UNESCO has at least made him the man of 2007.

One interesting exercise is the breathing of Allah’s name- Hu; so as to ensure the mind and body are both present when praying. Hu may be the pronoun of Huwa referring to Allah in the third person in any Semitic language. The roots letters of A L H, when chanted, have been neurotheologically proven in Norway to relief stress.

When asked about the challenge of getting enough time with one’s mentor, something highly recommended in Sufi practices of the past, the Shaikh said long periods may be difficult but with regular short retreats plus accessible communications and other forms of meeting the student achieve the goal:- Purification of the Self. As a matter of fact the intention is what matters mostly, niyet. As at times we may find a novice who has little companionship racing ahead in spiritual abundance whereas one who sits at the right hand of the Shaikh is still behaving like a JK student in this Path. Well Owais Al Qarni, comes to mind. He was the Yemenite companion who couldn’t visit the Prophet yet mentioned among the revered Companions, whose benedictions was sought for by no one lesser than Omar Bin Khattab.

Global warming is the phenomenon of the century and not only politicians and scientists have to deal with the environmentalist’s claims but increasingly Faith leaders are being called upon. Mr. Kabir believes even in this field Rumi’s philosophy wields power and one such thing is his daily life of austerity- if we could practice some sort of contented living, free of the burdensome luxuries, we will save a huge part of the planet from destruction. Well the Quran does point out that we are all Caliphs of God on earth and as such we have to act like true trustees.

Relentlessly, our busy lives cry out daily, even if the world doesn’t hear those decibels: give me my space and nourish my soul! With more retreats like these, blessed with eminent souls like these eager North Americans, the world will see the effectiveness of Faith in this century and prove the answer to our huge depression syndrome lies in meditation, in this case mindful Zikr of Allah.
"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet." Moulana Jalaludin Rumi.
Habeeb Alli

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