Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Digging the wells of Heartland!

We live in a world where water is more than three quarters. Yet millions cannot get a drop of it. Kenya is one such place and the displaced Somalians are in desperate need for wells in that arid country side. Recent visit by members of the North American Muslim Foundation forced the humanity of these Canadians not only to cry tears but cry out for help through a recent small but successful fundraiser at TalimulIslam Centre, Toronto.
Mr. Shahyrar Shaikh, President of NAMF, shook the hearts of a well off audience when he related his personal observations of the abject poverty the Africans live in. He noted that wells are located in the Mosque compound allowing protection as well as better connection with the religion of these villagers. Not only children have to walk miles to procure a bucket of water but crops and animals depend upon these wells. With a professional organization in the partnership and a proper documented project proposal, these wells will be dug from the donors kind generosity and diligence conducted by NAMF. Anyone desiring to have their donation named after someone or organization- Esaale Sawab- can also have this facility.
Mr. Haji Nuri was the other speaker, teacher of tafseer at Abu Huraira Centre and Khatib at York University MSA, conducted the fundraiser, reminding all that their rewards are with Allah perpetually for digging a well. He passed his target of 15 wells by three!
There was some comedy and singing entertainment flavored with a full course Somalian exotic cuisine.
Digging wells is simple- just dig into your heart and imagine if you had no tap water!
North American Muslim Foundation is a not-for-profit Canadian Charity that does both local and international relief work for the pass thirty two years.

Digging the wells of Heartland!

Habeeb Alli

Water so precious
Why we’re so vicious?
In abundance yet scarce
Babies dying thirsty amidst corporate waste

Disconnected by distance?
So grab this chance
Our preoccupied heart why their crime?
Yet the penance is only a green dime

Just save from bottled water
Not for one child but nations in hunger
The reward for slaking thirst
Heaven knows, is not only refilling my purse.

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